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Administrative stuff

Hey, everyone –

Just a quick note about administrative stuff.

I am getting a lot of emails, FB messages and blog comments with questions from patients and providers.  This is fantastic!  I had GI surgery last month and am still in the process of recuperating.  I am responding to questions as I am able, but it will take me a bit to get through the backlog.  I appreciate your patience.

I am pretty accessible via the MastAttack Facebook group and have answered tons of questions there.  Additionally, there are lots of other people in that group who are veteran mast cell patients and/or subject matter experts on mast cell disease, dysautonomia or any number of other topics.  Feel free to join if you like.

I have had some questions about whether or not I take requests for posts.  I sure do.  If there is something you are dying to know about, just let me know.  My turnaround time is usually a few weeks.

Everyone seems to like my “master table” posts.  I have a bunch of these that I use for quick reference.  Since people find them helpful, I will upload some more.  These are living documents and will be updated as I find new information.  Likewise, if you have a helpful addition to a master table, let me know.

Some patients have told me that in the past few months, some of my posts are more “sciency” and it’s less easy to understand.  I agree that this is the case.  The purpose of these posts is for you to provide articles with references to providers, and for providers to be able to utilize this site as a source of easy to digest information.  I am considering doing some simplified posts on specific topics for patients.  I am not completely sure yet how I will do this.

MastAttack was started for the purpose of making information about these diseases accessible to the patients who live with them.  To that end, I will find a solution to make sure patients can come here and feel comfortable in their understanding.

Thanks for your patience while I get back up to speed.  I feel really fortunate to have such interested and thoughtful readers.  You guys are the best!
